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Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information

The Honeysuckle was a flat-bottomed boat used by Sholabar's band to raid the coastlines near Mossflower Woods. It was a small vessel, and its crew numbered only five, Sholabar plus four others. However, when Sholabar tried to waylay Trimp the Rover, Chugger, and Dinny, he and his band were defeated by Folgrim, Martin the Warrior, and their traveling companions. Sholabar was killed in the struggle and the other crew members were forced to flee.

Log-a-Log Furmo was delighted with the sturdy little vessel, and he took charge of the ship. He christened it Honeysuckle after his wife, crewing it with Guosim shrews and Martin's friends (although Chugger appointed himself "captain"). The ship carried them to the Tall Rocks where they met Luke the Warrior's surviving companions, and after their return to Mossflower it was fitted with wheels and axles, becoming a ship that sailed over land. The modifications were removed afterwards, and it became a permanent possession of Furmo's tribe.


  • The Honeysuckle was the first known ship in the Redwall series to have wheels. The only other one, the Greenshroud, appeared much later in The Rogue Crew.