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Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information

Polleekin was an old female mole who lived in a dead oak tree in the northern forest. She offered shelter and food to Martin the Warrior, Rose, Pallum, and Grumm Trencher. She originally lived with a tribe of other moles, but they had passed away long ago, along with her family.

Polleekin was a fortune-teller or seer; she had predicted bad fortune - Rose's death - for Martin if he returned to Fort Marshank to kill Badrang the Tyrant. She talked of how others' lives were always in her head. However, she was reluctant to share her visions in order not to give creatures false hopes or provide them with unconfirmed reasons for sadness.

Polleekin also told the four travelers how to get to Noonvale. Although she could not write or draw maps, she was able to indicate the route that they should follow by using descriptive poems and cryptic messages. She enjoyed company and was an excellent cook. The travelers liked Polleekin very much and Grumm commented he was proud to be a member of her species.

Later, after the final battle of Fort Marshank, Polleekin healed Martin of his wounds. After Martin left to go questing, Polleekin had a vision of Martin that predicted that in time Martin would go on to find happiness, as well as greatness and be remembered for all time as one of the greatest warriors who ever lived.
