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Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information

Greypatch was a one-eyed sea rat who was originally the first mate of Gabool the Wild, as well as Gabool's best steers-rat. He wore a velvet patch over his missing eye and was a skilled swordfighter. Greypatch, unlike some sea rats and corsairs, was smart and cautious and he made note of the differences between hares and rabbits. After he determined Gabool was insane, Greypatch stole the Darkqueen with a crew of others who wanted to escape Gabool's madness, and they ended up in Mossflower Woods. It was here he discovered Redwall Abbey, and wanted to take it for himself. Several of Gabool's ships were sent after him, including the Rathelm and the Greenfang. Greypatch successfully overwhelmed the crew of the Greenfang and slew their captain, Garrtail. However, his encounters with the Long Patrol ultimately resulted in the Darkqueen being scuttled in the River Moss, stranding him and his crew in Mossflower.

During this time, failed attacks on the Abbey lowered crew morale. Bigfang attempted to fight Greypatch for the position of Captain, but Greypatch killed him.

Greypatch failed to take Redwall, and was killed by the lance of Oak Tom in revenge for the deaths of Colonel Clary, Brigadier Thyme, and Pakatugg Treefleet.


  • Greypatch is the first known enemy of Redwall Abbey.

Note: Greypatch's name is alternatively spelled Graypatch in the book.
