Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information

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Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information

"The bats of Bat Mountpit descended from the original bats of Mossflower, which lived in a mountain also called Bat Mountpit, far to the north of Redwall Abbey. During the rule of Lord Darkskin, the mountain began to crumble away, so with the help of some hares, moles, and shrews that lived in the area, the bats migrated to the south, to a much sturdier mountain near Salamandastron. During the migration, some bats adjusted to being in the bright sunlight, but after they made their home in the new Bat Mountpit, they re-adjusted to their old habit of living in the darkness. Lord Cayvear and Lord Duskskin are both descended from from Lord Darkskin. (This paragraph is not from any book, but is canon, which is an expansion on what the author [in this case, Brian Jacques] has not covered.)"

You're going to have to show me which book you got any of this from, that's the only way it's canon. Expanding upon part of the Redwall series not done by BJ is only fanfiction. --LordTBT 17:43, 26 April 2006 (UTC)


In salamandastron when Alfoh talked about the stream he mentioned it going under a mountain and into rapids. Isn't this bat mountpit and shouldnt the page mention that it is in salamandastron too?Ferrets and vermin are two different things! (talk) 04:37, September 26, 2013 (UTC)Burglebuber
